Any of the above commands can also be used to move from one track or scene to another while renaming by holding down an additional modifier key. In addition to the shortcuts shown here, editing shortcuts can also be used in the browser. As you type, this opens a search box that will show menu entries as you type.

While a menu is open, you can use: the up and down arrow keys to navigate the menu the right and left arrow keys to open the neighboring menu select a menu item. Drag and Drag-This is a cool one, you can stretch audio clips by pressing the SHIFT key and dragging the clip to the end of the clip. Moving the play marker to the portion of the clip you want to split is made super simple by shifting the play marker to the part of the clip you want to split. Fortunately, inserting a Midi clip is as simple as highlighting the length of the clip you want and pressing CTRL + SHIFT +M. To determine the value you want to set your breakpoint at, right click on the envelope and select Add Value to select the amount you want to set your breakpoint at. The Ableton Live automation system is the best automation system of all of the DAWs, according to Ableton Live. This article will cover some of the most common Ableton Live keyboard shortcuts available. Often, this task requires three steps, right clicking, finding the task you want to complete, and selecting the appropriate option. Ableton Live ten is a complete digital audio editing suite.